An Interactive Commerce Display to Encourage Environmental Awareness

Timeline: 1 month

Role: UI/UX designer (Team of 4)

Tools: Figma


Design an interface for BWT’s* upcoming showroom to showcase their range of domestic products and highlight the environmental impact of their purchase.

*BWT is an Austrian manufacturing company for water treatment systems.


An easy-to-follow user experience that utilizes interactive elements and strategically upsells products for a bundle.

User Stories

My official to-do list

A list of user stories was provided by the product owner of this project:

  • As a user I want to create my personal bundle out of Table Water Filter Jug, Cartridge and Bottles.

  • As a user I want to decide if I want to have a bottle in my bundle or not.

  • As a user I would like to know details about each product and its technologies/features.

  • As a user I want to see on each stage what is the value I have in the shopping cart. The more cartridges i put in my shopping cart the more discount I get.

  • As a user I want to see on an impressive way how many single use plastic bottles i save with the cartridges i have selected.

  • As a user I can print a picking list.

Designing for large interfaces

I looked at kiosk UI designs for inspiration and as a reference for determining the suitable scale and navigation styles. I quickly saw a pattern in simple UI styling with fun micro-interactions which I carried through to my own concepts.

I presented my initial ideas

To begin the process, I presented the following three concepts to the PO for feedback on how well it answered the provided user stories.

Concept 1: Strong visualisation of product benefits

Concept 2: Strong visuals and informative

Concept 3: Present the full ranges at once, detail focused

Concept 3 was chosen for the showroom!

They decided to continue with my third concept but asked I experiment further with the style and interactive elements. I segmented the flow into the following sections and iterated through them one at a time:

Intro sequence

Product menu


Defining the UI kit

While iterating the screens, I worked collaboratively with the design lead in Austria to create a design system for this product. Since BWT already has brand guidelines, the font and colour selection were predetermined.


Final screens